jak er snel lamb

hej, jag är tydligen ett lamm..?? :S

You Are A: Lamb!

lambPeaceful and gentle, lambs have been used in religious imagery for millennia. Lambs are baby sheep, an animal tended by shephards since the dawn of history. As a lamb, you tend to stay together in a flock and graze on grassy land. Lambs don't mind being led and tend not to go off on their own.

You were almost a: Kitten or a Bunny
You are least like a: Chipmunk or a TurtleWhat Cute Animal Are You?


Postat av: linn

i'm a puppy!
Beloved by all, puppies are energetic, playful, and loving. Your playful and friendly nature is part of what makes you a puppy. Known for their loyalty, puppies make great pets for young and old alike. And an innocent puppy face can melt anyone's heart!

2007-11-11 @ 11:10:16
URL: http://sstewie.blogg.se
Postat av: Sofia

Hehe =)

2007-11-11 @ 11:46:02
URL: http://sollerax.blogg.se

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